In April, I had the honor and pleasure to present at the 2015 Content Management Strategies/DITA North America (CMS/DITA NA) in Chicago. Hosted by the Center for Information Development Management, CMS/DITA NA featured a program of more than 75 presentations regarding DITA.
My presentation was entitled DITA and S1000D: Two Paths to Structured Documentation. Today, the creation of usable technical documentation is accomplished through through the managed authoring of quality content. Increasingly, that content is being created using structured data, in part due to its unique inherent advantages. The presentation compared the similarities and differences between two of the most popular XML-based structured data specifications that are being adopted by companies world-wide: DITA and S1000D.
I’ve placed the presentation on SlideShare. Feel free to take a look. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
And if you’re interested, head over to the DITAWriter for Keith Schengili-Roberts’ excellent Observations from DITA North America 2015 Part 1 and Part 2.